Thursday 1 March 2012


Ric in winter training on Ben Lawers
Ric & Ross in training somewhere in The Borders
On Monday 5th March Ric and Ross will be embarking on their epic charity fundraiser of ascending and descending Ben Nevis 6 times over 6 consecutive days. Which is the equivalent height gain of going up and down Everest from sea level! I'll be giving them some navigation training on day 1 then they're on their own, unless that is you would like to support them any day during next week. Alternatively how about donating some cash for their very worthwhile cause:

They've already had excellent exposure in several newspaper's and sponsorship from several companies, including an local brewery! (the one that produces the 'Ben Nevis' ale). They've secured £3000 already but a target of £5000 is their aim.

You can donate through their just giving page

Ric and Ross will be doing loads more events this year, this is only one of them!

Follow their training and latest news through their Facebook page:

Good luck guys!

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