Sunday 17 February 2013


Domi & Helen nearing the summit of Cairn Gorm, Beinn Meadhoin in the clouds
Wonderful atmospheric cloud today
Fine weather for taking bearings (ie no cold fingers!)
The ladies on top of a very quiet Cairn Lochan
Fab snow for ski touring today
Coire an Lochan
Some areas are beginning to stabalize
Helen, Domi & Janet enjoyed a fabulous 'Alpine' day once again in The Cairngorms. The sun shone all day and there was some beautiful cloud swirling around toward the south, a temperature inversion that was dispersing with the strong SW winds which eased during the day. So we came back with  Alpine glow faces! Today we focused on navigation but with the wonderful vistas it was hard for the ladies to concentrate on taking bearings! Why is it that the majority of navigation training days are always clear and sunny? :) . We had a good wander around the Northern Corries and up onto Cairn Gorm summit. There were many folk out today, winter skills groups, skiers, ski tourers and climbers all enjoying The Highlands at their best. More to come next couple of days and beyond! Enjoy!

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