Braeriach above the cloud from Cairn Lochan |
Brocken Spectre |
Cainrn Lochan looking west |
Sea of cloud |
The Spectre again |
.....and then it all cleared and blue skies n the afternoon |
November draws to a close and what an unusual month. Very mild, hardly any sign of winter bar a few short lived cold snaps and a few odd days with light snow dumps that were short lived. On the plus side we have enjoyed some days of fabulous sunshine, light winds and stunning sunsets. Great days to be out on the hill. Today in The Cairngorms there was a terrific
Temperature Inversion around the northern side of the plateau with a sea of cloud out toward Strathspey. Along with this we had a
Brocken Spectre below Cairn Lochan. By mid afternoon all the cloud had burned away and it was virtually clear skies in every direction. Hardly any breeze and walking across the plateau in warm sun it felt like summer! Finally to top another grand hill day off we had another one of those wonderful sunsets. Officially winter doesn't really start until 1st December and next week we are due some snowfall, lets hope so!
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