Braeriach, Sgor Gaoithe & Loch Morlich at sunset |
Northern Corries from Loch Morlich |
Cairn Gorm & Northern Corries |
Someone is enjoying the sun |
We were up Meall a' Bhuachaille just two days ago when we had snow at all levels, a blizzard on the summit and sub zero temperatures. Today was very, very different. There wasn't a scrap of snow bar a few small patches in sheltered hollows and the temperatures felt more like a Spring day. There was probably about a 10 degrees difference in the temperatures today. Unfortunately a lot of snow has also disappeared from the main Cairngorm plateau. On the plus side what snow there is left in the Northern Corries and on Braeriach will freeze solid overnight as once again a cold air mass will drift over us tonight. Along with clear skies there should be a hard frost. This mornings rain shifted by mid morning and I had a quick bike ride up Glenmore in beautiful sunshine. I lingered on the summit of Meall a' Bhuachaille to capture the sunset. It was already a few degrees colder on the bike ride home. More snowfall is forecast above 800m Friday & Saturday with gales. Once more the hills are changing on a daily basis.
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