Monday 17 October 2016


The beautiful bike ride toward Glen Einich

A moody looking Glen Einich & Braeriach

Loch Einich and Sgor Gaoithe


Lovely sunshine between the showers

Biking in Autumn

Cairn Gorm and Lairig Ghru

Sgor Gaoithe
There are many wonderful ways onto Braeriach. This big mountain has many corries and ridges. A quick way to access the hill is by using a bike up Glen Einich and approach the hill by it's northern corries or via it's western flanks. The use of a bike not only saves a long walk in, it is a brilliant bike ride in it's own right. It only takes around one and a half hours to the foot of the hill from my house. Today was a day of sunshine and showers with a strong wind on the tops. I had a quick blast up into one of the remoter corries where there is a wee scramble bounding one of the corries. Despite the cooler temperatures it didn't seem cold enough for any snow up high. Tomorrow looks much colder with NW winds. Maybe some white stuff then?

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