Monday 28 May 2018


Spidean a' Choire Leith, Liathach
A long weekend up to the Torridon was perfect timing for some of the hottest weather so far this year. We're experiencing a very hot spell of weather. Clear skies from dawn to dusk. Temperature in the mid to late teens. Quite remarkable. Karen and I , along with our friends Elisabeth and Gerry had a fabulous time based on the shores of Loch Maree. Idylic!
Friday evening swim in Loch Maree
The local deer in the garden
Torridon is just a stones throw from Loch Maree. A must visit area for anyone who hasn't climbed any of the hills here. Torridon ranks has the finest mountain range on Earth. The 'famous trio' of Beinn Alligin, Liathach and Beinn Eighe stand towering above the most beautiful glen in Scotland. We chose a traverse of Liathach for our day out on the hill.
The ridge begins!
A traverse of Liathach's ridge is one of the finest days out in Scotland, after An Teallach of course. The carpark in the glen was mobbed when we arrived. I don't think I have ever seen so many folk on this hill. We took it easy in the heat and made a steady walk up to the ridge. There was a nice breeze to stop you getting too hot and this kept the midgies away too!
Spidean a' Choire Leith
After two minor summits on essy an easy walking ridge you come to Liathach's first Munro summit, Spidean a' Choire Leith. Fablous views and all the 'crowds'had now passed us. From here to the finish we saw no one else. We had the travers of the pinnacles to ourselves!
Mullach an Rathain

The fun begins
The traverse of Liathach's 7km ridge line involves some scrambling over a pinnacled middle section, Am Fasarinen. A sensational roller coaster of grade 2 scrambling if taken direct. There is an easier traverse that avoids any hands on rock but this path is badly eroded and I wouldn't recommend it. Anyway you miss all the fun up top! We had a brilliant late afternoon on the pinnacles, enjoying the sun, views and solitude.

Me for a change!

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Fun, fun, fun
All too soon the fun is over! Then a final 30 minutes stroll up to the 2nd Munro summit, Mullach an Rathain. The views out West over Loch Torridon from here are just magical and a fitting end to a wonderful ridge. Just a small matter of getting down. A steep descent into the coire of the Toll Ban. What a stunner of a day. Liathach always delivers.
Am Fasarinen
Coire na Caime
Loch Torridon
After our big day on Saturday it was a leisurely Sunday. Time for a cool boat trip out from Gairloch.

Seal and pup
Back on land and dinning 'alfresco. beside the west coast was just surreal. Still hot at 8pm! Still no midgies!

Ringed Plover
Deserted evening beaches

Seaside starfish
Sea Thrift
Our final day, a short one before heading home. If you're looking for an easy day in Torridon with stunning views then you can't go wrong with a walk up Coire Dubh Mor. This coire lies between Liathach and Beinn Eighe. A lovely remote lochan for thos to cool off.
Coire Dubh Mor path

Spot the swimmer
Fabulous 3 days. Shame to see so many wild fires in the area on Sunday and Monday. Take care out there folks. The ground is tinder dry and we still have a very high wild fire risk across the Highlands.
The Heatwave continues!

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