Friday 24 February 2012


Good cramponing snow in Coire Leis
Looking down to the Allt a' Mhuillin
NE Buttress & Tower Ridge
Coire Ciste
Thankfully a return to colder weather and some snow showers today. The overnight lower temperatures had frozen the existing snow pack up nicely. I have a large group from Wales & Yorkshire areas the next two days, with Brian assisting me. We tried to get on the gondola to Aonach Mor this morning but not running due to the high winds so plan B to The Ben. We headed up to The Coire Leis area and found good areas of hard snow to go through the basics of movement with axe and crampons. There were a few brief snow showers but by mid afternoon these had eased and a lovely end to the day with the cloud lifting. The winds didn't seem to strong and it was so pleasant to have a dry day for a change.

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