Saturday 25 February 2012


Consolidated snowpack
Another lunch snowhole this week
11 folk in a hole
A little more cramped, the 'Grave' option
Time for sliding
Time for steep descending
Second day out for my group of 10 assisted by Brian and we headed for the East side of Aonach Mor. We were soon sheltered from the strong Westerly winds and only half an hour after leaving the gondola before we were in the snow. There was some snow showers above 800m but by mid afternoon the temperatures had risen again. Today's skills were focused on avalanche awareness and assessment, snow shelters and more movement on steep ground. The guys were pleased that there wasn't a long walk in today, giving more time and energy for the snow craft. After were analysed the snow pack we converted our avalanche snow pits into an nice snow shelter for lunch. We discussed various forms of shelter including the 'grave' shelter which is the quickest and possibly the most desperate place to spend a night out, but a life saver all the same. After lunch we did an ice axe arresting session and moving up and down steep slopes. So an action packed weekend and good snow to get all the vital skills in, despite the big thaw. The guys are on their own for a hill day tomorrow, putting all their skills into action. 

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