Friday 23 May 2014


Kath & Luois's final Munro this week
A bit of wet snow above 1000m
Cladonia coccifera
Rime ice in May
No views of Loch Einich today
Last day with Kath and Louis, we've had 6 wonderful days in the hills and on the bikes. 5 New Munros for Kath whilst Louis is catching up and he bagged 7. We had glorious weather and great views on most of the days which ain't bad for a week in The Highlands. Today we had a quick hit on Sgurr Gaoithe, it was a tad wintry above 1000m with a light dusting of fresh, wet snow and even some rime ice near the summit area. We had an early start and we're back for lunch time, saw not a soul on the hill. Shame we didn't get a nice view today but lots of interesting flora to see with much Cladonia, Icelandic Moss and Trailing Azalia and Cloudberry just in flower. Well done to Kath & Louis and another step further to them completing their Munros. Off to Skye this weekend with big group, weather looking quite good in the NW :)

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