Saturday 24 May 2014


The west ridge of Sgurr nan Gillean
Traversing under The Basteir Tooth
On ourway to Bruach na Frithe
John enjoying the atmospheric clouds
Briuach na Frithe summit
The rest of the Cuillin Ridge
Happy team on the summit of Bruach na Frithe
Am Basteir, Sgurr nan Gillean and Blaven to the far right
Pinnacle Ridge of Sgurr nan Gillean and The Bhasteir Gorge
Classic views and  Cullin cooling waters
The walk out with views to Glamaig and The Red Cuillin
Over on Skye for the weekend and assisting Pete Long in  guiding big group from The Blackrock Mountaineering Club. A promising weather forecast on Saturday but when we set off there was very low cloud and a few drops of missle. We headed up into the spectacular Bhasteir Corrie which as the best views of Pinnacle Ridge of Sgurr nan Gillean but we saw only cloud. First summit of An Basteir and the cloud started breaking giving great views of Gillean from then on the weather just got better and better with the rest of the Cuillin bathed in sun. The second Munro of Bruach na Frithe after lunch and the team we're as high as a kite. The walk out and the afternoon sun was beautiful. Great craic from the team and fun all day long! You know it's been a great day out as I've ran riot with photos on this post!

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