Sunday 25 May 2014


The team starting up Sgurr a Ghreadaidh
The start of the scrambling on Sgurr a Mhadaidh
The steep scree up to the narrow notch of An Dorus
Rose root, this flower grows high up amongst the rough rocks  on The Cuillin
Pete leading the way
On Skye the weather has it's own micro climates and weather can be widely different or a good number of hours behind what the forecasts say. Today was no exception, with a good forecast of bright skies later in the morning we thought it may be similar to yesterdays wonderful conditions. But as the team headed up for the two Munros of Sgurr a Mhadaidh & Sgurr a Ghreadaidh the light drizzle was on and off and the cloud started to drop below the summits. With high spirits the smaller team of  5 from Blackrock Mountainering Club were still keen on grabbing a couple more Munros. Today's choice lies in the central part of the main ridge and gives grade 2/3 scrambling. The slog up the screes to the narrow notch of An Dorus took us most of the morning. Pete leading the way and getting the guys up and down safely. We were heading down after lunch and as we neared the car park at Glen Brittle the sun finally popped out and the cloud started lifting, as it can! Other members of The Blackrock Mountaineering team had their own adventures in various bits of The Cuillin, some on The Inn Pinn and other wonderful jagged black rocks. Well done to all the team, such enthusiasm and great banter all day long!

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