Monday 9 June 2014


The wonderful Corrag Bhuidhe Pinnacles
The fun begins on the Corrag Bhuidhe Pinnacles
Lord Barkeley's Seat & Sgurr Fiona from the Pinnacles
Great views to Loch na Sealga and Beinn Dearg Mhor in the Fisherfield
We're half way along the Corrag Bhuidhe Pinnacles and more to come :)
Mal having a great time
Nearing the summit of Lord Barkeley's Seat
The final section of scrambling to Sgurr Fiona
Looking back and classic view of Pinnaces and Sgurr Fiona from Bidean a' Ghlas Thuill

Day two and out on the finest mountain on the planet, An Teallach. This was a notch up on the scrambling Mark and Mal had previously done with me when we were on Ledge Route a couple of years ago. It's a fair way up along a couple of summits before the technical bit of The Corrag Bhuidhe Pinnacles start. The guys soon got into the hands on stuff and loved the scrambling, before we knew it we were on the Munro summit of Sgurr Fiona. Just a simple 'stroll' to the second Munro top and those beautiful classic views of the ridge. It was very humid today with some cloud later in the afternoon and just a couple of very light showers, we were lucky as the rain came on just as we hit the road.

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