Tuesday 10 June 2014


The guys all grins scrambling on Am Fasarinen
The start of the ridge traverse and the sun comes out
Beinn Dearg and the Flowerdale hills
Nice exposure
Beinn Eighe beyond
As much down scrambling as up
The final tower
Arrgh it's almost over
Coire na Caime and Beinn Alligin beyond from Spidean Coire Liath

Final day with Mark and Mal and the second best mountain on the planet - Liathach. The weather forecast wasn't looking promising, heavy showers and lightning but we set off in hope. Just before we got to the start of the ridge we had a heavy hail shower but we continued and only 10 minutes later we were basking in hot sunshine and clear blue skies. The cloud did roll in again but most of the time it was above the summits so we had great views. WE got to the start of the exciting bit on the traverse, Am Fasarinen Pinnacles. Grade 2 scrambling and we had the place to ourselves, once again the guys loving every minute of the up and down wonderful Torridonian sandstone towers and pinnacles. A great 3 days out with superb company. It's rare to have clients who want walk and scramble on my favourite mountains ever! Well done guys, they're now thinking about some winter mountain fun!

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