It was another wild wintery day again today, despite the weatherman saying West was best. Fred, Paul and I were on the gullies on Sron na Creise, Glencoe. It started off promising with sunshine. Fred and Paul took the more challanging narrow gully with a nice cornice at the top, I took a more comfortable gully on the right hand side on the pics. We were greeted with strong, cold SE winds on the Sron and snow showers through out the afternoon as we made our way over Creise and then Meall a Bhuirdh. The snow was stinging at one point, except those who had goggles.
Lots of folk out skiing at the Glencoe ski area on the way down, just as the sun came out and skies cleared! Can't win 'em all. With snow at 800m today and lots of it. Winter conditions set to continue through to May
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