Wednesday 31 March 2021



Ben Macdui & Cairngorm plateau last Saturday 
It's always a sad period when the end of March comes along, Winters end drawing closer. We've certainly enjoyed a fabulous season. Cold and very snowy down to low levels most of January and February. I usually call it Spring time around mid April. This is normally the time when the SAIS Avalanche forecasts end their season. You never, ever know what the month of April will bring us. So don't be hanging up your Winter boots, clothing, axes and crampons yet! Still full snow cover on  the high Cairngorms and in the corries. Enjoy the last few weeks of Winter - the finest season.

My catch up on days out recently:


Fresh snow to 500m on the Monadhliath 

A cold snap with lowering temperatures. Constant snow showers through the morning and it was cold enough for wet snow falling down at Aviemore level. With a forecast of some brightness towards the end of the afternoon I had a late 1pm start for a quick check of the hills. At 300m I was walking in a blizzard up in the Monadhliath. Poor visibility and enough wind to think about getting the goggles out.

Snow blowing and lying at 300m

Big cumulus and snow showers

This spot was bare heather 2 days earlier

I got up to the 600m contour and it felt like it could have been any month in Winter. A strong, cold wind, horizontal snow blowing and limited visibility. I had a snack before getting my camera out to have an hour or so of Mountain Hare photography. It was after 2.30pm at this point so not a great deal of time to capture any images. I was hoping to get an 'atmospheric snow blowing over a Mountain Hare' kind of photograph. 

There was a break in the clouds shortly after getting the camera out and blue skies above. The hefty snow showers eased off and the views were tremendous. Beautiful clarity of air. The area where I was walking had ankle deep snow drifts. Only 2 days previously it was just bare heather. Such is the wonder of the Scottish hills in Winter. Magnificent. 

Sunshine and the Cairngorms revealed!

Snow cover again!

Drifted ankle deep snow

No Mountain Hare photos today. The one shot I was kicking myself for not getting was exactly what I was after. A hare in a heavy snow shower with the sun streaming through the cloud and lighting up his/her face. I was just a couple of seconds too slow! That's wildlife photography for you. That's why we keep going back time and time again.

Late afternoon, clear skies


Cairngorm plateau in the sun

A fine day to be out on the high Cairngorms. Lightish winds, full snow cover and the chance of some sunshine.  The snowgates at Glenmore are still closed so timings for days out are longer with the extra 300m+ walk up. More daylight so no real issues. We decided on the classic Northern Corries circuit.

Lurchers Ridge, full snow cover

Windslab from yesterday

Frozen hard snow and ice. Crampons compulsory!

We set off early doors to beat the 'crowds'. We saw hardly anyone all day in fact. There was  still breeze at 900m but nothing to be of concern. Some fresh windslab around from the previous couple of days high winds and fresh snowfall.  Most aspects the terrain was predominantly hard, frozen, wind scoured old snow. You wouldn't have got too high without crampons anywhere today. Fabulous walking. 

Cairn Lochan

Coire an Lochain

Cloud coming and going

From Cairn Lochan the clouds lifted and we enjoyed the best sunshine of the day. Perfect timing. So we had a quick detour to the finest viewpoint in the Cairngorms. 

Loch A'an

Looking towards Ben Macdui

A distant Cairn Gorm with full snow cover

The odd climber in the Northern Corries 

The winds seemed to increase on the walk back over to 1141m. We made our way back down the hill as the clouds also  increased . Great snow cover and icy, firm snow all the way down to 800m. 
Iced rocks at 1141m

Firm snow down to 800m

Fiacaill Buttress and Coire an Sneachda 


The odd break in the clouds

It was a drab, dull morning but mostly dry. I headed back up for a few hours to see the Mountain Hares at my usual area. Yet again the temperatures had gone up a few degrees. The snow from Friday and virtually all melted away. Despite a rise in the mercury,  there was the odd snow shower above about 650m.

Beautiful creature

I spotted a lovely female hare from a short distance away and quickly gained her confidence. She sat nicely in the snow patch and wasn't at all concerned about my presence. Beautiful facial markings as the hares are now slowly changing from Winter to Spring pelage.

Beautiful facial markings

Day by day changes into Spring pelage

Full of character

Great timing for some bright sunshine as  I sat for an hour with this beauty. It's a fascinating time of year as their coats transform into Spring.

Look at that beautiful face!

The stretch after a nap


Mountain Bike back on the trails

Anyone who owns a road or Mountain bike will well know how difficult spare parts have been to get hold of since Covid times. A shortage in the supply chain had meant a 4 month wait for a new back wheel I had needed for my Mountain Bike. Having 'old 26" wheels didn't help matters, they seem to be harder to find than a honest politician these days. Thankfully Bothy Bikes in Aviemore did a grand job in sourcing a wheel and got me back on the trails.

Windy & cloudy over the Cairngorms 

Warm sun and blue skies to the North

One of Strathspey's 'secret' lochs

Quiet trails beside the Spey
I had a lovely ride North of the Cairngorms,  away from the cloud looming over the hills. There are always nice, quiet places and trails you can find if you want to escape any crowds. I wanted a peaceful location for some birdwatching. I had a wonderful hour or so beside one of Strathspey's 'secret' lochs. Here I counted around 50 Greylagg Geese, 50 Black Headed Gulls all enjoying the sun and water. There were Oystercatcher here too. All very nice and pleasant.


Greylagg Geese


Peaceful, 'secret' loch

It was a windy day low down, no doubt a rough day up on the high tops. Abnormal temperatures yesterday down in the South of England. Apparently mid 20 C. Don't panic though. Winter is prevailing up here. We have snow falling on the Cairngorms and temperatures lowering throughout the day. Winter conditions and some lovely calm days coming up over this weekend. If you don't like cold air and snow on the mountains then no good for you :)

Winter WLL continue......

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