My friend, still in his winter coat |
April often brings much more settled and calmer weather across the Highlands of Scotland. It's one of my favourite months outwith winter. Unfortunately we haven't really had many amazing days of clear skies, no wind and fine views. When they have come they seem to only last for 24 hrs. In-between this we've had a fair amount of rain and the temperatures haven't settled down. Below freezing one day, next day into double figures. There has been a day or two of fresh snow on the Cairngorms, next day it's rain. There were a couple of days last week when the recorded wind speeds on top of Cairn Gorm exceeded 80 mph. It's been a case of making the best of any days while you can,if you can. Yesterday it felt like summer here in Strathspey, temperatures reaching 16 C.
Here's a selection of images from the last 10 days.
My local Ospreys have returned |
5th April, snow down to low levels |
Winter returns |
Within 24 hrs it's gone warm |
Snow holes again |
Nest rebuilding after a long winter |
Somewhere between 1st - 7th April my local Osprey's have returned. This particular nest I've been observing for quite a few years now.
Thanks again to NatureScot for renewing my Schedule 1 Bird Photography Licence for yet another year. This enables me to photograph certain species near to nesting site. Specifically Osprey, Dotterel, Ring Ouzel, Ptarmigan and Snow Bunting. Part of the agreement on obtaining this licence is my recording of the above species and sending this report to NatureScot. Invaluable data for them to record how well, or not so well these birds are faring. Unfortunately they are all on the Red list of endangered species.
Mo Charaid enjoying the sunshine |
The last few days I've been up photographing my wonderful friend (Mo Charaird). This amazing, placid mountain hare I have had the honour to sit beside and photograph for the 4th winter season now. That's almost his whole life ( mountain hares live on average 5-6 years). I only ever see him from around mid December until about early May. Where he goes between those periods is anyone's guess. I do secretly wish he would stick around for the summer. He's a remarkable character. He is still predominately sporting his white pelage. Only very slowly is he morphing into his beautiful ginger coloured coat. Most years he's not transformed until around May.
There's still snow on the mountains and definitely a wintery outlook next few days. More snow, more wind and below freezing temperatures. There's winter.....if you want it! Or for some folk, there's no choice :)
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