My legendary end of year review, in photographs. My usual 200+ days on the hills, despite the interruption in Spring. There's been a few reviews I have seen recently on various blogs, social media. Mine (as always) is full of positives despite the cruel year it has been for some. My wife and I are privileged to live in a stunning area with amazing mountain and wildlife on our doorstep. This is not 'luck'. It is hard work, sacrifices and commitment to be able to make a living in The Highlands. Here's my highlights of 2020. Grab a cuppa, it's long!
January got off to a mixed start with regards to snow lying on the mountains. One day good, and deep snow, next day or two gone. Winter conditions will always come and go. If you spend has much time in the hills as me you tend to have many great winter days out even in a 'poor' season. 2020 was no different.
All my booked winter skills and winter guiding days went ahead. We always had enough snow. As per usual the Cairngorm winds were the issue on quite a few days. All part and parcel of a day out in winter. Some great conditions were had by my clients.
My wildlife photography workshops have been growing year by year. The adorable Mountain Hare being the most popular. Winter is always a special time to capture these beautiful creatures in their winter pelage. I always try and be flexible with dates. Sometimes we get cracking snow and weather conditions.
February is always my busiest month in Winter for guiding work. Conditions came good, nae, excellent by mid February. It's always great to see return clients come back. Steve and Marina are a fun and enthusiastic couple. We had 2 brilliant days in the Cairngorms. I days of basic skills with axe and crampons. Day 2 was so much deep powder to all levels that I 'persuaded' them to hire some snowshoes. We had a brilliant day snowshoeing up to Ben Macdui is wonderful deep powder.
By mid to late February we had some terrific snow conditions. A few blizzards and plenty of cold spells. The record for the fastest client return after their initial day out with me was 24 hours! They then came back for a third day later on!
My 4 day winter courses were also popular this year. Ric came out with me on one of these comprehensive tailored winter courses. 4 days of individual tuition gives you a hell of a lot of skills training. More fantastic conditions.
More storms, more snow. The odd warm day. All part of a typical Scottish Winter.
More blue skies, more calm days. More deep snow. More Mountain Hare and Ptarmigan Wildlife photography.
The final days of February was settled. For some clients. Unfortunately the luck of the draw on limiting one day for an An Teallach Landscape Photography shoot at dawn didnt work out for Raphael. But he'll be back.
March is ALWAYS the best Winter month. In my books anyway. Usually the most amount of snow after a full winter of storms and constant snowfall, longer daylight hours for big days out and (sometimes) kinder weather. 2020 was no exception. To kick off I had a fantastic photography shoot on the summit of An Teallach. Just a week or so after Raphael and I abandoned it due to low cloud and high winds with very hard going deep snow.
I wild camped down at the foot of the finest mountain on the planet. Setting off at 2am to a perfectly timed summit sunrise. Stunningly beautiful and saw not one single person on the way up or down. I think this was one of the top 3 highlights of my year.
Back to work and two lovely ladies who had their first first taste of winter. Perfect conditions in the Cairngorms.
Scott and I had quite an amazing day on Beinn Alligin. We initially were up for a day of climbing Deep South Gully but the Avalanche conditions steered us towards a safe ridge traverse of this Torridon gem.
Just the drive down Glen Torridon would have been enough to satisfy anyone with a love of grand winter mountain beauty. A fabulous day was in store.
A brilliant day out, we saw just two other folk all day. What sublime conditions. Deep snow, deep blue skies, no wind, sun and great company. Magic. In my top 3 highlights.
Scott and I knew this was possibly one of the last great days in the hills. We both knew what was coming. Until that day I still had one more work booking for valued return clients. My last days work for some weeks. A fun day out in the snow with Jillian and Graham.
Time to reflect and get out in the mountains as much as I can to enjoy the last week or so of winter. A day with the Mountain Hare in deep blue skies and deep snow .
The great weather continued! Coire an t-sneachda and a traverse of the Fiacaill Coire sneachda. Amazing snow conditions.
Finally those dreaded words came along. The powers that be keeping us off the hills. My final mountain before restrictions kicked in ( I don't call it the 'L' word). A fitting climax to the end of my winter season. Remote, snow covered and peaceful. Braeriach via Glen Einich and its Northern Corries.
All I wanted to hear at the end of March were those key words when restrictions kicked in. 'Daily outdoor excercise allowed'. Enough for me. Living in Aviemore we can walk or bike straight from our doorstep and very quickly into some beautiful forest and countryside. The Mountain Bike and Road bikes were spruced up and my wife and I cycled many miles during the restrictions.
One of our regular rides was up the ski road at the Cairngorms ski centre. The roads were deserted and the snow gates were closed right up to mid July. It was an absolute joy to cycle with no motorists.
So the powers that be told us to stay off the hills. Fine. I could enduldge in my other two great passions. Wildlife and Photograpjhy. So much wildlife here in the Cairngorms National park. The magnificent Caledonian Pines are home to a wealth wildlife. Amongst the favourite animals and birds I enjoyed observing and photographing were Red Squirrel, Lapwing, Red Grouse, Black Grouse, Dipper & of course Mountain Hare.
Restricted Access (that's my wording of it) ran into May, the finest time to see all of our wonderful wildlife. We had some terrific weather too which helped. Another of my favourite bike rides was to Lochindorb A beautiful bike ride and a great spot for wildlife at the lochside and on the nearby fields. By the way. never, anywhere was there some power that be telling everyone there was a time limit of distance you could travel doing your allowed excercise. In the 8 weeks or whatever the time scales were we never once got into the car. I cycled or walked from my front door loaded with 3kkg of camera gear.
Finally restriction to the mountains eased off. If you lived within 5 miles or so from your nearest hils and mountains you were allowed to visit them again. This had been the longest spell in my entire 35+ years of mountaineering that I had been away from them. The first day out was special! I'd even got so used to the beautiful cycle up Glenmore and the ski road that I continued cycling from doorstep to mountain. Bliss.
Back at work! brilliant to be guiding folk in the hills again at last. Now everyome could travel and be back in the hills. There is always good from bad and it was so nice to be guiding new, younger folk on the hills. When I mean young I'm talking of folk in their 20's :) . What was also interesting was the rash of Navigation courses folk were booking onto. We even had some grand weather. The flowers were pretty amazing this year, especially orchids high up in the hills.
Liathach and the NW Highlands seemed popular for my guided groups. Torridon became a firm favourite. I don't usually camp in Summer but needs must be and I put up with the midges to earn my crust. Wild camping is (of course) the only way I know of what camping means. Being up in the hills is my idea of wild camping, not at the roadside with your campervan!
The latter endof the month and lovely to be out with old and special friends in the hills. What life is all about, sharing the fun and special times that the hills bring to so many folk.
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More lovely return clients! Graham and Jillian back out again with me and their friends Aileen & Ian who I guided in the NW last year. Both wanting Liathach, excellent choice. I also had Michelle and Phil out on a Mountain hare photography workshop. They origionally booked for March, the week we went into the Restricted Access thingy. They reboked for June but that wa a no go, so another rearrangment of dates in August. Finally they made it up to Aviemore. We had a beautiful weather day at my favourite lcation. Not only were they gob smaked at the mountain scenery but they got some terrific images of the beautiful Mountain Hare, 4m from a yawning, scratching, stetching and 'high fiving' wee charachter. The look on my clients faces said it all and well worth the wait!
More return clients. John and Mick I had guided a few years ago in Glencoe. This year they booked 5 day with me in Torridon. YES! Torridon again. Everyone I meet and encourage to this special place loves it. We were blessed with fine weather for big days out on te big Trio Of Liathach, Beinn Alligin and Beinn Eighe. These guys also walked from their accommodation every evening to the local pub for dinner and a well earned pint or two! Both guys now late 60's and fit as fiddles! It was great to enjoy a pint indoors again. Normal times regaining.
It was sad not to be guiding in The Alps this Summer but some fabulous days on these special mountains here in The Highlands. All my Alpine folk who booked their treks this year have rearranged to 2021.
I love Autumn. Amazing colours again this year. I've been asked a few times this if the wildlife and Autumn colours are more spectacular than previous years. The answer is probably 'no'. I think people have just been far more aware this year, spending time in their beautiful surroundings and gardens plus time to reconnect with nature.
More valued return clients this month. Including Bridget and Sue who were on one of my Alpine treks. They booked 6 days of guiding, navigation and wildlife photography. A brilliant week with mixed weather! Always the same in October. When stunning Autumn colours can quickly be exchanged for our first snows of the Winter.
England go into more Covid restrictions. Here in the Highlands we still have our freedom to travel and roam the hills. My wife and I had a fabulous weeks holiday in Torridon. A busmans holiday!
November weather can be hit and miss. After a week of beautiful conditions it just continued! The first 'proper' snows also arrive and the mountains start to take on their winter cloak.
Winter arrives! Unfortunately most of the UK is pinned down with restrictions on travel. My Winter season is usually well and truly up and running. The difficult year continues. But there's hope, always. Nature will always give us hope. Some final December images. Thank you to everyone who joined me in the hills and amongst the wildlife this year. Here's to even more adventures in 2021.
Thanks for the memories Gary.
Best wishes for the New Year.
John Atkinson.
Cheers John.
Hope you're doing well.
Best wishes for 2021.
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