Saturday 19 June 2021


Female Ring Ouzel. Thursday evening

 Some hot weather again this week as we approach the longest day of the year. A few images over the last few days around the Cairngorms.

Cloudberry at it's finest
 A fine period for our Mountain flora just now with Cloudberry at its finest before the petals fall soon. Trailing Azaelia and Moss Campion always a delight with their vibrant colours on the hills.

Trailing Azealia

Dwarf Cornel

It has been breezy high up so wildlife photography challenging at times. With the hot conditions comes heat haze which is an annoying problem when photographing at animal or bird level.
Heat Haze Hare

The Cladonia and other vegetation also becomes crunchy with every footstep, no matter how light you travel. Another problem, especially when the wind does fall light.

Red Grouse

Yawning in the sun, crispy Cladonia

This time of year is just wonderful for late afternoon wanderings up the hills. With darkness not falling till way after 10pm (or maybe not at all really) then you can still have a good day out even when setting off after 3pm.

Coire an Lochain 

Twin Burns

I headed out for a chance to see Dotterel and/or Ptarmigan but nothing seen unfortunately. A lovely walk all the same.

Trailing Azaelia 

Looking down on the Great Slab

A Deserted plateau

Another delight of late walking on the hills is the distinct lack of humans about. Getting off paths will almost definitely achieve this too. 

Coire Sneachda 

Early evening light

Highlight of this day was right at the end of my walk. A wonderful individual Female Ring Ouzel came tottering up towards me as I just sat in the sunshine.  Fabulous. 

Female Ring Ouzel

Looking beautiful in the sunshine

Yesterday was another lovely morning. Not too hot, just perfect temperatures. 

Sunny afternoon

No wind today


My usual walk in the Monadhliath for the hares was quiet, very quiet. Hardly anyone seen. Must be the football. 

Guess who

The Wheatears have been fabulous again this Summer. That beautiful song, alongside the Skylark is such a beautiful sound in the mountains.



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