Sunday 23 November 2014


Lunch spot today
Top of Hells Lum, Shelterstone in the distance
Loch Avon basin
Stag Rocks and Loch Avon
A dusting of snow and some frozen ground in places, Cairngorm Plateau
Cairn Toul & Braeriach, in cloud much of the day
A clear night and a overnight frost, up on The Cairngorm plateau it was below freezing this morning. There was bags of sunshine but a wonderful windchill on the face much of the day, and about time too! Some areas there was frozen ground and with the temperatures much colder this is all good for cooling the rocks and ground down for when the snow eventually arrives. It was a glorious day, especially toward the east, Braeriach and the western Cairngorms seemed to be getting more of the cloud today.

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