An Teallach, Oct 2012 |
Over the last few years social media has had a major influence on businesses and how they market themselves. There can't be many organisations that don't use some form of social media to promote their company. From big organisations to the sole trader, we are in a world where advertising takes on some form of social media.
When I decided to start up my own company I didn't even have a computer! My main means of marketing were leaflets and word of mouth. I eventually got myself a pc and my first portal of getting myself into the market was a blog. At that time Blogger.com was the first and only form of social media. I began my blog well before I had a website up and running. I only remember a handful of outdoor instructors and companies who wrote blogs way back in 2006. I knew nothing about websites but some 'expert' did inform me that having a strong link attached to your website was a really good thing to get your site up in the Google rankings. My blog was that medium.
Ben Lawers, Jan 2005 |
Tapping away at a blog over a decade ago I did wonder if anyone would actually be reading it! My main aim at that time was to inform potential clients that we had snow and ice on the mountains. A means of getting folk interested in winter instruction up in the South Eastern Highlands where I lived at that time. Having your blog linked to other websites got you connected too.
I can't remember the stats for daily or weekly views, it was probably less than one hundred per week I suppose.
The Matterhorn, 2006 |
I've stuck with Blogger.com since I started. Other formats have come and gone. Wordpress seems to be the new kid on the block but I like blogger. It' simple, free and a brilliant way to showcase your photography work, as well as written work.
CMD arete, Ben Nevis, Feb 2012 |
So then a strange thing called Facebook comes along. I was quite happy scribbling away on my blog and some fast moving social media hits the world. Before we know it everyone is at it! The world was taken by storm. Everyone becomes a photographer and instant gratification. Then to make everything even faster some smarty pants invents a smart phone with camera. The 'selfie' was soon born. A new wrangled thing called Twitter is also invented but I never quite got that one. Of course like everyone else we start using Facebook and with mobile cameras becoming better quality we can even upload movies onto all these platforms.
Cairn Gorm summit, Feb 2013 |
Facebook really has taken off and in the last couple of years it seems blogs have gone out of fashion. So much so that some outdoor folk have abandoned them completely. It's a great loss. Facebook seems to be such a throwaway kind of media. You can flick through so quickly on your super fast phone in your super fast world. There's even a thing called Snapchat (younger folk use this 'cos they had Facebook nicked off them by middle aged people). Snapchat is so instant you can bin it! A throw away society indeed.
Sneachda cliffs, October 2014 |
For me the blogger format is still the best. A place to come to and spend some time. Reading a good (or bad) story. Looking at some big, stunning images (or bad, grey ones). It's also a brilliant wee diary for all my adventures over the years. Try scrolling back through your facebook account just a couple of weeks. Then again, don't, you'll be ther forever. With blogs you can find a day you had out so easily. I know it's sad but when you have a few days of bad weather it's nice to look back and see we did get a summer.
An Teallach, Janury 2018 |
Just to bring us back to the beginning of this wee post. My main aim of my blog is advertising! My followers have increased steadily over the years. Some posts, like in winter, get 1000+ views. Tarmachan Mountaineering's blog has been in existence for well over a decade. That's a long time in this day and age. It must still be relitively popular, it's still here! Google own it too! It can't be too bad, I just came in the top 10 Mountaineering Blogs from Feedspot:
Keep watching. I ain't going away yet. :)
Yes, I agree. Facebook is useful, but also both ephemeral and deadly to blogs, club forums etc. A pity, which is why I'm commenting here rather than there!
Keep the momentum going Peter. Just like vinyl, it will have it's day again :)
I still post what strikes me as of more lasting interest/value to my blog... hardly ever get comments these days, but at least it's properly archived there for me if no-one else. Which leads to the ironic, but not infrequent, situation of me linking to past blog posts on FB!
You've got an audience in the Russian Far East! Keep on blogging 🙂
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