Tuesday, 20 August 2019


Fiacaill Coire Sneachda


Coire an t-sneachda 

Coire an Lochain 

Nice day

Fiacaill in profile
Cairn Lochan 
A fine day to be out on the tops today. Light winds and some good sunny spells. The best day weather wise this week as things about to change again tomorrow. I must have spoke too soon yesterday,  the remark about midges. They were out again this morning! Thankfully above 800m they were banished. Nice romp along the Fiacaill Coire Sneachda which I had to myself. Hills were quiet, despite the Coire Cas carpark being chock a block this afternoon . It looked like a lot of folk just going for short strolls. Since the funicular has been out of action it seems like folk are doing some walking rather than sitting on their bums in a train then in a cafe up a mountain.  Anything that gets folk walking and exercising has to be a good thing.

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