Friday, 9 August 2019


Gran Paradiso
To brighten up a wet day I've put together a few images from my season in The Alps so far. Photography out of a proper camera, when I got a chance between work :)

Amazing geology, Gran Paradiso National Park
Aiguille du Midi & Mont Blanc
Waterfall in Valtaranche
Those wonderful Marmots
Good summer for Martagon Lily
Valsavarenche, Gran Paradiso NP
Female Ibex, Gran Paradiso NP
A lone ridge walker, Brevent
Monte Bianco reflections

Globeflower and Chamonix Valley

Lac de Chesrey & Mont Blanc range

Round leaved Pennycress

More reflections

Behind Le Brevent

Fenetre Arpette
Bosses Ridge, Mont Blanc
Swallow Tail
Moody skies over Gran Paradiso
Les Drus
King of The Alps, my favourite flower
Time for a nap
Kings (and Queens) of The Alps
Quiet Alpine trails
Alpine Chough, always around food!
Grandest Jorasses

Alpine Pansy

Aiguillete declined Posettes

Alpine Houseleek

Morning light Mont Blanc

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